Housing in Areas Unfit for Habitation


  • Irène Nadine Njiki Ne Doctoral student at the University of Yaoundé I / Faculty of Education / Centre for Research and Doctoral Training in Human, Social and Educational Sciences


Areas, Housing, Unfit for habitation, Logements, Zones, Zones impropres à l’habitation.


This research is entitled « housing in areas unfit for habitation ». The aim of this research is to show that social (contextual) and psychological (linked to the quality of the perception of risks) factors encourages the exposition of populations to health risks in Yaoundé. The vulnerability of people living in precarious neighbourhoods (in low-lying areas and on mountain slopes) to certain diseases and natural disasters can be observed through environmental degradation, the under-equipment of these neighbourhoods and the weakness of de means of protection against natural hazards that have been put in place. The social-economic and socio-demographic context, the preference given to individual housing in the African urban context, inoperative urban policies and the poor perception of natural hazards by disadvantaged communities encourages their exposure to health hazards by occupying low-lying areas and mountain slopes. The problem we developed leads us to the following research question: does housing in areas unsuitable for habitation encourage exposure to health risks in Yaoundé?

We used a deductive and explanatory approach to collect qualitative and is based on various accounts of interviews with local people, their   beliefs and their perception of the natural threat. An interview guide was drawn up for the heads of the targeted neighbourhoods in the capital city.


General work

Guezere Assogba (2012): « problématique du logement individuel et dynamique spatiale à Lomé »: Revue Internationale des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (RIHS). Volume 4, n°4, August 2012.

Kenfack Tiosop. G. (2019): « Occupation des bas-fonds et risqué d’inondation dans l’arrondissement de Yaoundé VI ». Mémoire de géographie, spécialité. Environmental dynamics and risks.

Shoeneich Philippe, Busset-Henchoz, Mary-claude : « cognitive dissonance as a risk habituation factor ». In: Revue de géoaphie ie, lame, 1998 pp. 53-62


Law n°2004/003 of April 2004 governing town planning in Cameroon.

Law n°87/015 of July 1987 on urban communities.

Rapport justificatif (final version). Plan d’occupation des (POS) des communes de Yaoundé.

Rapport consolidé de diagnostic de phase 1(l’élaboration d’une stratégie d’amélioration des bidonvilles aux Cameroun phase 2 et 3).




How to Cite

Ne, I. N. N. (2024). Housing in Areas Unfit for Habitation. Social Science and Human Research Bulletin, 1(3), 54–58. Retrieved from https://sshrb.org/index.php/sshrb/article/view/13